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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Design Valentine’s Day Artwork in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial Gratis
1. Create a new document that’s 500×500 pixels. Go to Custom Shape and choose the heart shape. Hold down the shift key and draw the heart shape. Right click and go into Blending Options > Gradient Overlay and put in the following settings:

2. Using the pen tool create a shape like below for the front of the ribbon. Right click into blending into Blending Options and Gradient Overlay. Put in the following settings:

3. Hold down the ctrl key click on the layer thumbnail of the ribbon, create a new layer and fill it with any colour. Go to Select >Modify > & Contract by 6.

4. Right click on the layer and go ito Blending Options & put in the following Gradient Overlay.

5. Next create the curls on the ribbon, go into Blending options on each layer and put in the following Gradient Overlays:

6. Next create the ends of the ribbon, go into Blending options on each layer and put in the following Gradient Overlays:

7. Next go to the heart layer, hold down ctrl and click on the layer thumbnail to highlight the shape, create 2 a new layer. On one layer get a soft edged with black (11% opacity) and create some shadows. Next get a soft edged brushed with a white colour (11% opacity) and create some light highlights.

8. Create a new layer for the background, fill it with white. Right click into Blending Options > Gradient Overlay and put i the following linear Gradient colours: Put all the heart and ribbons layers into a folder & duplicate the folder (by dragging it to the new layer icon). Right click the copied layer and convert it to a Smart Object.

9. Next go to the Custom Shape tool and choose the shape I have circled below. Hold down shift (so it doesn’t go out of shape) draw the shape (in white)  in front of the background. Set the opacity to 10%.

10. Go to the duplicated heart & ribbon, right click and go into Blending Options > Ouer Glow and put in the following settings:

11. Create a new layer, get the Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw an upside down triangle shape (this will be a shadow) and fill it black.

12. Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and put in 56.

13. Finally get this paper texture and copy/paste it onto the canvas. Make the opacity to the layer 40%.

Final Result


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